Owning a home(Vacation) without citizenship -
10-14-2010, 02:50 AM
I am doing some research, and have searched the forum with no luck.
My wife and I are both in love with Japan. If we could live in Japan, we would do so asap, but with realities of the world today, it is better (right now) to stay rooted where we are. With a 19 month old kiddo, and a long life ahead of us, we are not ready to uproot and move halfway across the world. As an option we have, we are looking to purchase a small vacation home that would work as a retirement home in the future.
I guess my questions would be as follows.
1-What are the legalities of owning a home in Japan as a non-citizen?
-Foreigners are able to purchase properties.
2-Is there a special stay visa for those with a home in Japan in this situation?
-No known for a vacation home.
3-With a home in Japan, is there a way to obtain a cell phone without citizenship while staying here?
4-What would be needed, if feasible, to setup any utilities / local services?
5-Tax information, non-citizen?
-Same as Japanese citizen, fairly low cost based upon area.
6-Is there a way in the future to use this as an "in" when we retire to become more permanent?
As I gather information on my own, I will add to the thread for others who are in the same situation. Thanks for any responses and insight on this issue, and if I am overlooking anything previously stated I am sorry and would you mind pointing me in this direction?
Last edited by rpk2012 : 10-14-2010 at 08:31 PM.
Reason: Added responses