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(#31 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-14-2010, 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Misericordias View Post
Thank you Dogsbody70. However, not once did I perceive what any of the other people were saying at me were meant to insult me. They were harsh rebukes, I agree, but insults I firmly believe they were not. Nyororin has tremendously helped me in the past, and I don't believe that she would be the type of person to start insulting someone if they did something stupid (like me). I do appreciate what you are doing for me though, Dogsbody. It is not often I run across people on the internet willing to stand up for others.

I am also a dude- you know, just throwing that out there. I should probably change my avatar...naaah.

Edit: I wanted to include a picture of the cat that I so dearly wished to keep. 

Her name is Yanagi.

PPS. i TOO HAVE great respect for Nyrororin-- I think it was when somebody said the japanese would think badly of gaiijins because of what you had done, and I personally feel that is ridiculous. why should every foreigner be seen as awful because you were irresponsible. You are an individual-- so is everyone else-- so just to slam all foreigners-- because of something that ONE has done-- is absurd and so judgemental.

There are many people who make me mad when they treat children or animals badly. But there are also decent people. we should not generalise should we. You had good advice from most who posted-- I just did not like you being called An awful person. some people could be really hurt and upset by such a vision or view.

You know how you felt-- you posted here-- when others may well have just parted with the cat without asking or risking gettin told off as I told you off.

By the way-- I always jump in where angels fear to tread. afraid although no longer young I still do tend to jump in.

Nice to see the kitten. cheers, Babs inUK.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 10-14-2010 at 08:42 PM.
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