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curiosityshop (Offline)
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Location: England
10-15-2010, 12:24 AM

Ok, this is a work in progress, and I'm having to look every other word up, so i might not finish this in one go.


"zee(?!). you're presenting/looking at it right(?)'

日本語(にほんご)のペンパールがあるのはとてもいい と思(おも)うな。

"I think a Japanese language penpal is a very good (idea?)."

でも、日本語レベルが別(べつ)だ から、難(むずか)しいのかな。。。

"However, because of the difference in japanese levels, it might be hard"?

漢字(かんじ)が分(わ)かれないと、Eudict.comを使(� �か)ったいいな。

"For kanji you don't understand, use"?

中村(ナカムラ)キマニと申(もう)します、どうぞよ ろしくね~

"My name is Nakamura Kimanito, pleased to meet you"

一月(いちがつ)、日本(にほん)へ行(い)くつもり です。

"I am going to Japan in one month?"

((Laptop running out of battery, will continue tomorrow))

三年間(さんねんかん)、日本語を勉強(べんき ょう)したがあるので、日本の中学生(ちゅうがくせい )のようですが、まだ下手(へた)だな。。。

"I've been studying Japanese for 3 years because (something about middle school student) but I'm still poor at it."?

アニメと 漫画(まんが)と小説(しょうげつ)と書(か)くこと が大好(だいす)きだよ~でも、煩(うるさ)い人と賑 (にぎ)やかな所(ところ)が嫌(きら)いだなあー。

"I love anime, manga and written novels, but I find noisy people and lively places unpleasant."


"see you later"


Wooh! I did it! With lots of help from the dictionary xD Ok, time for a reply I suppose @_@ I'll post it in a different reply.

Last edited by curiosityshop : 10-15-2010 at 11:06 AM.
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