Originally Posted by curiosityshop
Ok, this is a work in progress, and I'm having to look every other word up, so i might not finish this in one go.
ザー = zaa, or "let's see..."
仰(おっしゃ)るとおりだよ = I agree with you! :P
Correction: "I think [having a] Japanese language penpal is very [good]." (omou na is "I think," but a conversational form)
Correction: "My name is Nakamura [Kimani], pleased to meet you" (The と is a particle, and not part of my name, if it was, it would be in katakana)
Correction: "I [plan on going] to Japan in [January]?" (つもりです is "I plan on" and 一月 is January, 今から一ヶ月 "is one month from now")