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(#6 (permalink))
lsxs13 (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 5
Join Date: Oct 2010
10-15-2010, 09:48 PM

The way I had it set up last time I paid around 15 dollars per item like a spoiler, bumper etc. And 5-10 dollars for smaller items. But I never just ordered one thing, so if I ordered, say, 3 spoilers I would also buy smaller things that would fit in the box to save on shipping. The smaller things would be a steering wheel, taillights, grilles, mirrors etc...

So 3 spoilers would be 3x15=45, 2 steering wheels 2x5=10, 2 pairs of tail lights 2x10=20, plus other odd and end stuff I run across. So, that one trip would make them 75-100 dollars (¥8,100+/-) alone and that might be all of 2 hours work max if everything is with a certain distance. If everything goes well I'd start ordering even more stuff.
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