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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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10-16-2010, 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post

My name is Catalin, from Romania. I'm a nonstop learner, and now I reached the point on my list Japanesse language (culture comes later on, 'cause once you know the language, you understand at another level everything related). I have a program called Languages of the World, which has the spoken basics of conversation level in japanesse, but before i get into it, if someone used it, can tell me if its any bit correct?
I don't want to start with a wrong sense of the right language, because after you catch a habbit its hard to escape of it, same applies to learning (from what i saw until now).
I found a topic here, where there was a link to the written "letters" (if i can call them that) used, i will learn that, but at the spoken, besides watching (listening) some anime series, I don't have a refference point to compare the programs real "value".

Thank you in advance.

PS: Until now I just learned some easy languages Deutsch (german), francais, english so I'm not especting to be easy to learn this language, but something is making me turn in this direction and i can't help it.
Why don't you share a bit with us about what the book says? I can't imagine I'm going to go buy a book just to tell you it's (likely) not very useful.

You'd be better served by getting a kanji book, a school textbook (Yookoso! and Minna no Nihongo are two popular ones), and flashcarding a lot of vocabulary. It's more of an investment, but it's more of a return.

Memorizing "konnichiwa" and "douzo yoroshiku itashimasu" will not get you anywhere without further materials.

I suggest you first read Tae Kim's guide to Japanese grammar. It's free online. Once you've learned everything there, you will be able to speak Japanese conversationally.
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