10-16-2010, 07:52 PM
Well I am happy with who I am but I have before, I have gotten jealous of Japanese girls before thinking "She is so pretty why can't I look like her!" But it's okay now because I know every race is beautiful and every person wants what they don't have. It sometimes comes back when I see Japanese singers I like or watch Japanese movies or dramas, but I think every girl does that so it's normal. I have been so jealous of Japanese girls' noses and eyes and a lot of other features, but I know there are some Japanese girls jealous of American features. So we should just accept everyone and be happy who we are!
But if I could be Japanese to legally live there then yes I would definitely! But not just Japanese, there are a lot of places around the world I really wish I could live!! I can't stand where I live and constantly think "it's not fair!!" But all I can do is travel and see the world anyway.
Last edited by mira : 10-16-2010 at 07:54 PM.