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(#68 (permalink))
lmp1984 (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Australia
10-17-2010, 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
How did you travel to all these places and did you have time to really explore? what [place in particular excited you and you would like to return to?
To be honest, I haven't travelled that much compared to my other fellow Aussies. Most have been to America, Europe, and the growing trend at the moment seems to be South America with people my age.
I absolutely love America. I think it's such a big, diverse country, it's easy to travel around, and it's cheap and easier to get to, compared to Europe. Seattle was my favourite, just really good people, food and atmosphere. Really laid back and cool. Lots of great records stores too, which made my husband a happy man!! - We only had three days in Seattle, so we are heading back there this time next year, and to also visit Portland, Oregon, which is supposed to be just as cool.
Thailand, I visited when I was a kid. My Dad is obsessed with the place, but I wasn't a fan of the poverty and the heat - I mean, what seven year old would be?! We are going to Bangkok again soon though, because Dad swears it's changed in the ten years since I've been there...I'll let you know what I think!!
I guess I got to explore most places on that list, having about three days in each round about. I've spent quite a bit of time in New York, which is stunning, but I think I can leave it alone for the time being! More of America is waiting for me to explore. Oh, and I really liked LA! Didn't think I would, but could really feel the 60s/70s vibe in the air there, and I loved the grittiness of it, the spanish/mexican influence, and the people were lovely!
So yes, I hope you enjoyed my essay! If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them about the above cities/countrys!
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