Did I just make a fool of myself?! -
10-17-2010, 07:30 PM
Hi Guys..
I need your help now to know if I am to beg for forgiveness to my Senseis in martial arts-class.
This is what has happened;
We had a big Kendo tournament in our town and after I got eliminated I cheered for our Japanese Senseis team.
I'm not very good at Japanese yet, so I at first only used the phrases that we always use in Kendo in Sweden.
But then when we all got into even more fighting-spirit I told one of my Senpais "Banzai!" which he enjoyed.
And then I remembered the old movie "Tora Tora Tora!" which, for you that don't know of it, depicts Japans attack on Pearl Harbour (and it is a great film, as a movie!)
What I understood from that movie all Tora Tora Tora means is "Attack! Attack! Attack!" and I felt it at the moment to be appropriate!
But none of my senseis reacted neither with joy OR dislike.
Just google-translating it, it means literally "Tiger Tiger Tiger", well doh.
But as with all Japanese language I guessed it had several hidden meanings.
But then the awful thought struck me... Since two of my Senseis is actually at the age that he very well could have been a soldier for the Emperor, maybe saying Tora Tora Tora to him was like talking about nazism with the germans, a really sensitive subject since that movie is about the single action that in time brought Japans might to it's knees after USAs retaliation.
So what do you think, or what do you KNOW.
Did I just ramble "Tiger Tiger Tiger" to them, or did I just remind two of my Senseis that they, their honour and their country ultimatly got NUKED?
*giant, painful face-slap DOH*