Originally Posted by mira
On my long difficult journey of learning Japanese I keep coming across a word over and over and I have tried my hardest to find out what it means. I have looked through all the books I have about learning Japanese, dictionaries, etc. and even when I find something trying to explain it, I don't understand what it means.
What does it mean? I hear it so much. I have also heard many times
"Naru hodo" what does that mean also.
Sorry if this is a very idiotic question to some people. I actually am very good at most Japanese and other things I get the hang of quickly but this I still have trouble. Can someone help me and end my suffering?
Doesn't make sense. You just stated the following in another thread.
Originally Posted by mira
I can speak and read a lot of Japanese
You couldn't possibly do that without even knowing what ほど and なるほど mean.
そんな単純な単語や表現も知らないくせに、「日本語け っこう知ってる」なんてよく言えるよな~。ウケる!で� �おじさん嘘つきは大きらい!反論があればもちろん日� �語でしてね。