Originally Posted by lmp1984
Yeah, I want to go cos' of the food as well!! And the cultural side of Spain sounds amazing!! My husband and I have just made up a huge list of places we want to visit in the next few years, before we have kids. All those places are on our list....though we will probably leave out South America and Mexico, as they really aren't the safest places in the world!!
Australians do travel a lot, I guess it's because we are so far away from any other country. But hey, if I lived in America, I'd try and see as much of it as possible!! THEN I'd start travelling overseas - your so close to Europe! It takes us over 24 hours to get to Europe, so we will need a lot of time to see as much of it as possible as travelling back and forth is a bit of a pain!
South America is very nice, actually, my friend studied there, just watch out for the cockroaches :P But the tropical climate is beautiful
Yeah, I haven't even seen the grand canyon or New York yet... :P I definitely want to travel around the US as well.
I don't think I could handle a 24 hr. plane flight... @_@ ugh, it'd make me sick