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(#7 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
10-18-2010, 04:23 AM

"「地下室」と聞くと、ジメジメした暗い倉庫のイメー� �、そして、地下室は価格が高いイメージを持たれてい� �方も少なくないのではないでしょうか?
地下室といえば従来こんな問題点があります。でも「SUB システム地下室」なら安心!"

here's another quote from that site. This basically says that basements have kind of a dark, gloomy, and humid "image". It's like a place to store old stuff, in a sense. It says that some people probably think that basements are really costly as well. (then it kind of goes on to sell basements as this website is trying to make money of course).

断熱を考えない地下室がたくさんあって、その地下室は 夏場、ビックリするくらいコンクリートの壁に結露しま す。壁を二重にして、表面上結露を見せないようにする のですが、その裏でカビが生えて臭くなったり蚊が発生 するものです。
「SUBシステム地下室」は、断熱材を使用し、結露が起き ないシステムなので安心です。"

This is talking about mold. It starts off with saying that there are a lot of basements that are built without thinking about proper insulation (I don't know about "a lot" though... I've never personally encountered a basement myself so I think they might be using the term "a lot" to make people think that "everyone has one" to help sell their product). Anyways, they're talking about their "special" insulation and what not. I have had personal experience with a pretty closed-up room having some mold issues, and that was above ground! I have since added some insulation and different things and it has reduced it quite a bit though.

住宅にも昔から「地下室」は作られていましたが、止水 の工法等が技術的に確立していなったので、工事が複雑 化し、費用が沢山掛かっていました。又、施工手順も整 備されていなかったので、作ってみなければ、いくら掛 かったか分かりませんでした。それらに対応してリスク を回避するために高額(80万円/坪〜130万円/坪)の建設費でした。"

This says that there have been basements in houses since long ago but the old style "stagnant water???" style construction produced many complications. (I have no idea what they men by ~style of construction to be quite frank). It also says that basements were hard to quote (pricing wise) because nobody really knew what kinds of complications could occur. As a result of this, quotes (or actual prices I suppose) had a huge range. It says 80万~130万 as an example. (80万=about 8 grand US... I don't know how long ago they're talking about though so it could be a different story). Anyways, I take it the gist of what they're saying is that building a basement was a high risk thing to do.

The next big paragraph looks like it's just trying to sell what they have to offer, so I'm not going to bother going into it. At any rate, it looks like there is a pretty negative image of basements in Japan (which is according to this website). If I understood what they were saying, and it is indeed true, then that is the case. I believe that the combination of worries that people have about basements makes them less than desireable. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they became a little more popular in the future (especially in the ianaka). People could use them for home theaters or music rooms and stuff like that.
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