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Sashimister (Offline)
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10-18-2010, 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Well, in an official English translation, they translated the line as "They've altered the entire course of the fight with just three units." Would 先刻 be a possible word for the blank?
No, it wouldn't. Regardless of the accuracy of the tanslation, one just wouldn't say あっという間に先刻.

I've listened to this part over 40 times and I still have no idea what's being said. I will have to withdraw now.

It makes no sense then. The girl is a human, not a cyborg or an android. One thing unusual about her is that she loves to do pranks, while the captain is an overly serious, arrogant guy and he usually scolds his subordinates, including her. The word sounds like いんげん to me, but the only word I can find in my dictionary with that reading is 隠元, and it means "beans", which doesn't seem right either. Do you have any idea about the possible word here?
いんげん艦長? If that's what's being said, I wouldn't know what it meant at all.

I have let a total of about 6 other native speakers listen and/or watch this video but no luck. Of course not! If I don't know what's said after hearing it dozens of times, it would be unnatural if someoen else can know.

Also, I haven't seen the phrase 期を見て anywhere else before. Could you please tell me its meaning?
It means "to watch for a chance or good timing (to do something)".

And finally, just to make sure, does まどぐち mean "contact person" in the line まどぐちは探し続けるよ? There are two definitions in my dictionary, and only this one seems to make sense. But then again, it's better to ask when I'm not sure about it.
It's a window on a counter in places like banks, post offices, ticket booths, etc. through which you transact with a clerk. It can also mean a contact person. Figuratively, a "business opportunity".
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