Originally Posted by Sashimister
WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE! Stop prowling my posts looking for any chance to act like a prick. Because I did not know something that I have heard so many times? Like I said, I can understand the sentence but with "Hodo" added I wouldn't know the purpose of it. Now I do. It's just one of many things I have yet to learn.
I don't need to prove myself to you and how DARE you say I am lying when you have NO idea how much I know!!! I can speak A LOT of Japanese, I am not fluent, but I have been learning Japanese since I was a little girl! My older sister can speak it too.
I have no time to make up stupid stories when I am trying to learn more! Why the hell would I say I know a lot when I want to learn more if it weren't true? Wouldn't I say I know nothing so that I can learn?
You might think I am just some stupid anime nerd who pretends she knows but let me tell you I despise those people and I have had to deal with countless people who you are accusing me of being. You may just have had experience with them online or whatever, but in my Japanese classes, in school, and everywhere in life I have seen the idiots you are talking about, the ones who can't pronounce any Japanese and they go around saying "Kawaii" and think they know everything. Trust me I know!
Japanese is my life, and I mean the real, important things of Japan. I study every single day and I am good at learning it. My goal is to become fluent completely. I already told you. if I watch a Japanese movie for example I understand about 75% or 80% of what they are saying. I have taken Japanese classes and I knew more than anyone else in there even though I was the youngest.
So get a life and leave me alone. You are an idiot and you do not know me at all. You have NO IDEA what I have been through with learning Japanese and how much I have done so back off!