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Misericordias (Offline)
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もう我慢できない。。。 - 10-19-2010, 01:32 PM

I am not sure about whether this thread goes here or somewhere else, so please forgive me. I need to pass 2-kyuu. If I don't, I will receive no credit for my college in America and I will have to spend another year to make up for the one I spent in Japan. Also, I really want to take the 1-kyuu after I take the 2-kyuu. The problem is, there's just too much kanji I don't know; vocabulary that makes no sense; my reading comprehension is a mess; I keep on forgetting grammar; but at least my kaiwa is improving! ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

I don't know what to do anymore. It's imperative that I pass 2-kyuu this December in order to start preparing for 1-kyuu next July, but I feel like the knowledge I know is too small for me to even pass 2-kyuu at this stage so I am at a slump. I set up a schedule of studying that literally takes all day to do, but even with all this, retention is still low and it's always a struggle for me to remember kanji.

I am wondering, is there anyone else in my posistion where they had to pass 2-kyuu and then 1-kyuu right after? If so, how did ya'll bear it- the intense amount of prep work, studying, and balancing social life? I feel like I am going to have to sacrifice a lot of things in order make this happen, but I also feel I am doing things in a very inefficient way. Is there any way I can streamline the studying process for me? For instance, the first thing I do after I come back from school is study Kanji. I review the previous day's kanji that I learned and I start on new kanji for the day. But the only way to learn kanji for me at this point is to literally pound it into my head by repetitive writing. Is there an easier way to do this? Also for remembering grammar, what is the best way to go about this for general retention and quick recollection? I never really figured out how to properly manage to memorize grammar other than for chapter tests that require select knowledge of certain types of grammar.

The more I see my inadequacy, the more I become worried about whether I can pass 2-kyuu this December or not...
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