Originally Posted by steven
Thanks for your response!
I'm really confused on those search numbers. I got 494 on the first search, expanded it to include "repeated results" and got 542 results. I wonder why there is a discrepancy.
+"絞る" +"搾る" +"違い"
This is a cool way of doing a search!
I wonder if they teach this stuff in school in American schools now-a-days... I think that someday an "internet" class would be really helpful for kids. I can't imagine that going over well though with all the crazy stuff on the net. It'd be practical though!
I have a sister who is in high school now. She was never taught this stuff at school.
I've just been using the Internet for research for at least fifteen years, so this kind of thing came naturally to me in English. One day about five or so years ago I fiddled around to see how to do similar searches in Japanese. I realized the "" were necessary, and then I was off to the races.