Originally Posted by edelweiss
You'll find bad people and a criminal element everywhere in the world. Every country has racists. Certainly you won't have gun incidents and nearly zero marijuana in Japan. But to counterbalance the lack of guns the sex trade seems to be booming. I found the number of people (men and women) in the "selling yourself" on various levels in Tokyo alarming. So much prostitution. Instead of pot heads in Tokyo I saw a number of meth heads.
It's completely a trade off. If you were suddenly Japanese you'd just be trading in one set of social issues for another set.
One of my Japanese friends who left to live in Canada told me she had no recourse in her job when one of her managers found it funny to sneak up and put his penis in her ear while she was working. There was no structure to report him, no punishment for his behavior and no way to stop it other than to quit - which she did. Every society has it's pitfalls.
Well, with all due respect, that's not really an objective comment, there isn't as many meth heads in Tokyo as pot heads in the states, percentage wise.
I know you are just trying to show that Japan is not heaven, but if you claim that putting one's penis in someone's ear is something remotely acceptable in Japan, you are totally and completely wrong. I'm not saying it never happens, but it's like talking about the US with KKK as an example. May be there ARE people who hate colored people from their guts, but I've never met one in 12 years living in the states. I've heard from my hispanic (who looks caucasian to me) colleague he once got kicked out of a bar because these people said they didn't "take kindly to their kind" like in a cowboy movie, but I don't propagate that in Japan because I think that's more like a freak incident.
Just to clarify. That kind of rumors spread fast...