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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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Location: Texas
10-20-2010, 05:32 PM

The 48th All Japan Aikido Demonstration Convention/Tournament was very successful.

これも、ひとえに今日お集まりの皆様方のご協力、ご支 援のたまものだと思っております。
Also, I am thinking of the earnest cooperation and support of everyone gathered here today.

開会式のときにも申し上げましたが、第1回全日本の演 武大会が昭和35年(1960)に開かれております。
I said this during the opening ceremony, but the 1st All Japan Tournament was held in 1960 (Showa 35).

To this day, it has steadily come to be in its current form.

Also, I am thinking of everyone doing aikido at those times, the careful practice [blahblah god this guy talks in run-on sentences and I can't translate this]

これからもこの素晴らしさを次の世代に伝えていくこと が我々の使命ではないかと、こういう風に思います。
My thoughts are, now, that isn't it our duty to pass on this awesomeness to the next generation?

最後に締めくくりといたしまして、これから演武をさせ ていただきます。
Finally, in conclusion, [I can't figure out how to put this in English]

私どもが普段、稽古してます基本技を元にやらせていた だきたいと思います。
[I give up. I really hate 〜させていたたく forms.]
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