First off, i can't give a real answer to that because, if i were Japanese, i'd prob thought "I wish i'd be an American..." or something like that.
But... i live in the Netherlands, my parents are from Slovenia, and people think i'm Italian because of my name, and because of my looks... yeah i look like a typical Italian with my short black hair, little darker than white skin color and my epic moustache (well actually it's just a few little hairs, but i still call it a moustache lol)...
So, i feel like 1/3 Dutch, 1/3 Slovenian and 1/3 Italian. I'd i would be just Dutch, just Italian or just whatever :P
BTW moustaches are so awesome, but as far as i know there isn't a single girl who doesn't like moustaches... screw the girls, i'll keep my moustache! >