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Columbine (Offline)
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10-21-2010, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
That sounds like a horrible experience! I think I'd just stick to long grain rice instead of going down that road.

I'd be willing to bet that a lot of "sushi" places in California use long-grain rice just for convenience. This whole topic makes me wonder what Japan did when they had rice-shortages (apparently there was one in my area 10 or so years ago... maybe more.) A lot of people bring up "カリフォルニア米" as though it's really good stuff. I doubt sushi chefs have the same opinion, but it's something to think about!
I can't imagine it working with long-grain either! Surely it'd all just fall apart at the drop of a hat? Basmati sushi~ i'm all for fusion food but just urghhh~

Conversely though, I have made several very good risottos using short-grain japanese rice.

My roommate in Japan once tried to make sushi, only she bought mochi rice on the premise that all rices are the same thing anyway. Now that was a horrible experience. *blegh*
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