Great, just my luck.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: London
10-21-2010, 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by mira
I have been to San Fransisco. It's pretty and I really enjoyed seeing all the lights and stuff because I had never seen a town like that. But again there are a lot of bad people. My friend used to live there and he has seen his friends get shot there. I know there are a lot of places like that, and San Fransisco was really cool when I went there but still not really my cup of tea. Alright fine what harm can it do? I live in Santa Cruz, I don't know if anyone has heard of it. But I can't stand it here, and a big reason is because of all the huge stoners and hicks and racism. Seriously I can't stand being around the people here. I am not trying to act like this is the worst place and everywhere else is better, because that is so not true. I know of MUCH worse places. But still I want to find somewhere better than this awful place.
For a girl who dislikes racism so much, you sure chose an odd place to dream of going to.
The Japanese are quite well known for their racism towards foreigners that live there, you know that?
Not everyone ofcourse, but I know about 70% of the people I know, who have lived in Japan for over 5 years, have had problems with racism from the Japanese.
EDIT: As for the actual topic, I have wished that I had been born in Japan at times, but that was mainly because of the educational factor, and how I would have forced myself to work harder.
Then, I looked down at my essay that was due in a week later and thought "Nah. I'll do it in a few days."