Yours Rightfully Insolent
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10-22-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by KungMartin
Can someone support this plz???
i know it's a japan forum and we come here to discuss it, but if there's a general discussion seciton i don't see why there can't be a section or thread dedicated to music other than japanese!!!
any input much appreciated
also if this already exists (personally can't find anything related to music besides japanese music) and im missing something plz let me know
Sorry, man. It's precisely because there's already a general section that there isn't any other section dedicated to anything else. To be blunt, well, we're trying to keep things strictly Japanese here. If we have one thing, we're gonna lose the right to limit others, who want another thing.
If you really have to post about music other than Japanese ones, you can just try posting it in the J-music forum, but keep it to a couple of threads, at max. I myself have made a JF MTV thread on the J-movies & TV forum, it's very broad and not limited to J-music. You can't miss it, it's stickied.
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 10-22-2010 at 02:54 PM.