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(#426 (permalink))
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Rakutenka (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 66
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: GermanY
10-23-2010, 04:57 PM

1.some people think animes are only for children (pokemon, sailor moon) or for hentai (porn, etc.)

So if you're in school, people might think of you as childish, stupid, not-grown-up-at-all.... XDDDDDDDDD°°!!!

2. Since it's "Drawn" it might seem unprofessional to some ppl, because they're rather used to dramas or hollywood movies (america)

Anime....doesn't really draw their attention.
Besides, "anime" is not THAT popular all over the world..
I mean....almost everyone knows "superman" for example.

The difference:

You all know, superman is immortal. Never mind what happens, he beats them up. You have to watch it once and u have a feeling of how the show is.......

Anime/manga...are so unpredictable at times, you cannot generalize it ...
ok, you can split it in "horror" , "action", "history" whatever !

...But most people who aren't into it just generalize it by saying it'S
"childish" or even worse: "pure porn"



--> If u like anime/manga, or you've got some other, crazy hobby, you should
be able to deal with the consequences (gossip, being offended)

sad but true.
BUT - Each to their own - Live your life the way YOU want....

Prussia is like a new cardigan: scrapes a bit but keeps you warm.

Each man to his own.
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