Tired Philosopher...
Posts: 695
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Today, I'm here. Tomorrow? Who knows
10-24-2010, 01:01 AM
If you get a company to hire you, they would most likely want you living there, therefore they might help with the living aspect of what you want (ie, finding housing). Although I'm sure it depends on the company, really. My advice would be to try another visit to Japan, however briefly, and contact many different places willing to or needing your services. Perhaps receive addresses in that brief visit and then mail your resume (or equivalent) and plees to companies you believe may need your help.
I could definetly be wrong (I've not lived in Japan) but you could ask someone whose living there now to help you out
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....