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Rakutenka (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 66
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: GermanY
10-24-2010, 01:40 PM

Well....I think it's a lot!!
Germany and Japan are alike in some ways...for example...
...but there are still a lot of socio-cultural differences, that attract me!

The outward appearance might be another hint:

Those beautiful small eyes, just everything.
Religious differences..


Especially the artistic buildings I like, historical things, etc.
(samurai for example, shogun, etc..geisha!! ..etc.)
The Illusion:

Although some might really be caught in their own world of fiction, thinking you can cosplay everywhere in japan, and every japanese person LOVES manga and anime....

This is a REAL illusion.
There are certain places for cosplay, and regions where cosplay is definitely not allowed and unliked...

Anime/Manga....we all should know that "otaku" is meant in a negative way in japan. Not a title of honor and glory <3

Prussia is like a new cardigan: scrapes a bit but keeps you warm.

Each man to his own.
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