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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
10-24-2010, 03:41 PM

Eh, I'd just like to go overseas in general. Y'see both my parents were enlisted in the Air Force (active duty) and they got to go all over the U.S. before I was born -- California, Nevada (they even got married at The Elvis Wedding Chapel in Vegas), Texas, Florida etc. Anyway, my mom was in Panama (the South American one) when she discovered she was pregnant with me (and Panama was a dangerous place in 1990) and it wasn't until she was 8 months pregnant that she was transferred to a base in the US to rest and stuff. So, yeah, then I was born at the hospital at Maxwell AFB. You know where I live now? Maxwell AFB. I've lived in the same place my whole life while my fellow military brats got to move away and go to places like France, Germany and I personally know a few who've been to Japan.

The thing that kills me is a lot of these kids/people didn't even appreciate the culture and sights of the places they visited. I remember being 10 and hearing a girl (in her teens) tell me that she went to France (or Germany, I forget) and stayed on base the whole time. Another girl went to Japan and said she went a time or two off base with a translator and said the fish markets were disgusting, the food was weird so she mostly stayed on base and ate McDonald's D:

So, as a AF brat with never-been-anywhere (and jealous of culturally unappreciative youths) issues I'd love to go overseas, and as Japanese is the foreign language I know best, why not Japan? Moreover, I seafood.

But I don't expect Japan will be the 'magical J-drama-come-to-life land'. I'm sure they'll be nice people and a few assholes; some hot people, some ugly people, good food and bad food. And I think that people need to keep that in mind. Nothing about an entire nation can be perfect. Think about where you live; I'm sure there are nice people and I'm sure there's a few hateful douche bags you know in your country (I know I do...) I think people are about the same wherever you go.

One last thing; "And remember, no matter where you go, there you are." -- Confucius
It's kind of a silly quote but it's a valid point; If you have a problem with yourself, moving to another country make not make you any happier. Food for thought.

Last edited by StonerPenguin : 10-24-2010 at 03:44 PM.
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