Originally Posted by Columbine
EG: にちようびにとしょかんでにほんごをべんきょうします。
Your example makes it look tougher than it really is for someone using Hiragana Times. They use spaces, so it's like having difficulty with this:
にちようびに としょかんで にほんごを べんきょう します。
And then saying you can't figure out the kanji. I mean, just do this:
にちようびに としょかんで にほんごを べんきょう します。
日曜日 に 図書館 で 日本語 を 勉強 します。
This should make it obvious it's
really easy to match kanji with kana using hiragana times, since they provide the kana and kanji
and put spaces in the hiragana to tell you where one word ends and another begins.