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(#15 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-24-2010, 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by JamboP26 View Post
As a young person, perhaps some some opinion from the 'horse's mouth' might help. I want to live in Japan for many reasons. Now, before I begin, I make clear that not all young people will have the same reasons. But for me, the experience of living in the UK as a teen has been a frustrating one. I am easily annoyed by phone helplines, & their lack of help. I am annoyed at government schemes f***ing things up. I am annoyed by the British public. I am annoyed at the state that some residential area's are left in, & the amount of society's scum that wander about. I feel I don't fit here. My mind & personality is different from the norm here. Don't get me wrong, I will miss a number of things here, but I see too many negatives to stay after uni. Why Japan though? It's simple. I love Japan, & from what I've watched, seen, read etc., I feel I would fit well with the culture & customs. Its not all about being in 'the anime capital' or whatever. I feel it's deeper than that, & after uni, hope to make this happen
Hello Jambo-- all countries have governments and political decisions have to be made-- many that we object to-- especially these recent schemes and saving of money by the coalition govt. Universities losing out-- and students being in too much debt when they leave UNI-- and how many Unii students are unable to obtain good jobs?

From the way you talk-- you are unhappy in your present environment-- I don't know your circumstances of course-- but the whole of UK has good places to live.

Life is a struggle-- always has been always will be, No matter where you live in the end its up to the individual to make choices.

I hope that your dream of Japan will work out-- but how much do you really know about life there? what is your real ambition in life--?

The grass is always greener elsewhere-- but is it really?

Housing in this country is way too expensive-- I don' tknow about Japan but from what I have read it too is expensive.

WOuld you thinkof going as a student? seems as good a way to start and to explore and learn the realities of Japan.

we here have so many immigrants desperate to get to this country. Maybe they have fantasies about UK-- but are they true?

so much of what Nyrorin has written is so true-------------

She always talks a lot of sense.

ANyway I hope your dreams will come true but you know there are plenty of countries much worse than UK. I would not want to live elsewhere unless maybe australia.
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