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(#24 (permalink))
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HikoSeijuro (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 23
Join Date: Oct 2010
10-25-2010, 05:49 AM

A) "ACTUALLY-- reading the above makes me wonder of the attraction for youngsters for Japan."

B) "So much through the ANIME and manga..."

C) "I cannot walk well-- so uncertain if I could sightsee as I would like to."

Hi everyone; This is my first post on Japan! I'm still trying to understand this site (and the rules) so hopefully I don't offend too many.

A & B) What attracted me was the combination of having an asian roommate (Chinese) which introduced me to the Eastern culture and anime (Cartoon Network initially) which led me to going to college for a degree in computer animation.

I really enjoy the collectivistic society concept where even if people dislike you they won't tell you to your face. (Hey..hate me all you want baby but at least lie to me..THAT I can deal with.)

In the end, an indiviualistic society like the United States is good because you know where you stand but sometimes it becomes cumbersome shouldering people's negative energy that they carry (and love to unload).
I can also see the positive/negative aspects of a collectivistic society where people keep their negative feelings inside mostly but you never know quite how someone feels.

I'm going to Osaka, Japan in 65 days (not that i'm counting...) so I'll see first hand how much my talk actually walks.

C) Hope you can figure out a system that will allow you to go!

- Hiko

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

A superior psychology, mastery of self, and a clean arse are the keys to happiness.
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