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(#34 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
10-25-2010, 10:49 AM

perhaps I should know better. The thing is that on this forum there seems to be some sort of fantasy about Living inJapan-- as though it is a kind of UTOPIA that will solve all their problems-- weave magic charms upon them.

the same as we have so many people wishing to live in UK-- the so called land of milk and honey or like the London streets that were supposed to be paved in gold.

Many seem to wish to go there because of there love of MANGA and Anime.

It is a question only. WHY.

Why do any of us believe that life in another country will be better than their own?

for many this could definitely be true.

its not why do they want to visit-- but why do some think they want to live there when they really have no true idea of what the country is like to live and work in.

My japanese friend is desperate to stay here (UK) for ever-- but she will not be allowed because of her age--so she studies.
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