I can't say I ever dreamed of living in Japan from a young age but I did dream of living in a snowy land and Australia just isn't all that snowy! So yes I dreamed all the time of living in far away lands like northern North America, The mountainous regions of Europe or Scandinavia, basically wherever it snowed lots. I didn't actually know at the time that Japan had such awesome snow and in my younger years hadn't even heard of Hokkaido.
I did travel to numerous places around the world in search of great snow and mountains but none were really quite as snowy as I was hoping for.
Then a girlfriend I had many years ago who had spent a year as an exchange student in Toyama told me stories about the incredible nearby mountains and the amounts of snow they received. I also read in an outdoor magazine an article about a guy who did a lot of backcountry skiing in Hokkaido. He talked about an island covered to sea level in snow and I knew I had to check this place out.
I first came here in '03 on a skiing holiday with my wife and knew immidiately that I'd found the place I'd been dreaming about all my life. And I've been here for most of the time since. Nothing wrong with dreaming and sometimes dreams do come true
I know it's weird to be so passionate about something like snow but hey I also think it's a bit weird to really passionate about things like manga and anime. We're all weird in our own way