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zoneoni (Offline)
Luna Corp // CEO
Posts: 127
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Florida spelled backwards is Japan
10-25-2010, 04:40 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Luna Corp is re-opening it's doors to the public.

At this time, if you are in need of a siggy and would like one drawn up by our creative staff here at Luna Corp. Please fill out a post with your.

Color Scheme:

About our Staff.

ZoneOni Luna Tetsuga De Azure Skies Of The KGB

3rd Generation Siggy Master that inherited "Luna" Siggy Hands all the way to it's final form "Koreijo". Spending several years studying with his former master up in the mountains. He was able to obtain the ultra rare Siggy Form. Much of the form is all in his head which panders on ego but sometimes he can make pretty shizz.

Imaginary Helper #1:
Captain Sugarpants

A sea pirate. Parrot not included. Neither are the batteries. Or a warranty. Actually we assume no responsibilities.

Imaginary Helper #2:
Koala Yogurt

It's yogurt in a cup. What more can be said. Preferably used to gouge the eyes in order to inspire creativity or hallucinations.......or even both. I find Koala flavored yogurt to be the best as it only stings half as bad as real yogurt.

Imaginary Helper #3
Harry Potter

It's how we can explain the magic, because honestly that is what its going to take. Magic....lots of it. Fact the NASDAQ goes up a few points in magic everytime we start Photoshop. (hindsight: notice how i used we just now)

Last Imaginary Helper:
Jimmy the Firestarter

I know he's always saying stuff about what the most efficient way to burn a 3-story building down is but sometimes when your making siggies that's JUST the kind of inspiration you need to come up with something new.

OH as a foot note.

If you have a picture of your own you would like us/me/jimmy to use please make sure it's of decent size. Small pictures are hard to work with and make for a blurry and bad siggy. Ideally 1000x1000 is enough for Jimmy not to set the yogurt on fire.

Thank you and have a Great Day.

Turn-around Time is minimum 1 Hour to 2 Days.

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