1. How old are you?
I'm a 19-year-old girl.
2. Have you ever been to Japan?
6. If you have never been to Japan, would you like to go?
No, though I'd like to go, I don't have a super-hardcore desire to.
7. What attracts you?
Food, sights, culture -- all that. Since I'm an USAF cadet I'd love to be stationed in Okinawa.
8. If you only have one day to visit Japan, which city would you want to visit? And Why?
Hmm, well if it's only for one day, I'd choose a bustling city that still had some shrines and a garden (like Tokyo). An ideal visit would be to go sight-seeing for most of the day, see one of my favorite Japanese bands/musicians in concert and in the evening go eat as many new things as I could (hopefully I would have not eaten all day -- IMO trying new food is so much better when you're starving
) and end the day in a nice hotel with a hot spring. I'd also like to see the Okinawan beaches