Originally Posted by MMM
Tsurezure, you seem determined to prove yourself correct without considering the opinions of those that don't agree with you.
What are you talking about?
"As I said above,I don't think you guys know the truth.Here
I just want to know the major premises is correct or not .
"Pocket monster" is a slang for penis?"
Your answer is exactly what I wanted."
StonePenguin had answered "
I can't say I've ever heard the term "Pocket Monster" in a sexual sense "
He denied the existence of the slang from his experience.
In this thread, I don't want OPINIONS and speculation about Nintendo naming plan.
I'm just asking"Pocket monster" is a slang for penis?"
StonerPenguin answered no in bible belt.Misamisa answered no in England.tohruchan7 answered his/her big cousin used.MMM answered no in the Pacific NW.
Thank you everyone.Your answers are exactly what I wanted.
Strictly speaking, this is a little off topic.
Ok,I tell you my opinion "I don't know and You don't know.Only Nintendo knows ,but they don't tell."
When Nintendo actually don't use because it is a slang,do you think the writers of "Pokemonstory" would say"略称及び漢字圏以外での呼称は「ポケモン (Pokémon) 」。モンスターボールに入るとポケットに入るから、ポ ケモンという愛称が付けられている。また、英語圏の一 部ではpocket monster はペニスを意味するスラングであ� �ため、pocket monsterという正式名称は英語圏では用いられていない。� �?