Rick that story is very much my experience of living in Japan.
This following quotes from the article completely describe my experiences here in Hokkaido
One government poll shows that although 44% of Japanese use the internet at least once or twice a month, the rest responded that they use it "hardly at all" or "not at all".
I've have never met so many people who virtually never use the internet. I have worked with many Japanese people who had never used an internet search site like Google before coming to work at our company. Amazing!
Peep into the offices in Tokyo's administration district and you find out why. Here PCs are rare and work carries on in the slow lane.
"Japanese banks, post offices, government offices, all are staffed with three to five times the employees because they must do every process once on paper and then again on computer," says Taro Hitachi a technical editor and patent reader at Hitachi.
"Do you see the pattern here? Japanese aren't all that happy about spiteful machines and distrust automation."
Probably the funniest low tech thing I've ever experienced here was when my wife and I got our Japanese drivers licences. The women at the cashiers desk added up our bill on an abacus!! Japan a high tech nation?