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HikoSeijuro (Offline)
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10-26-2010, 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by nobora View Post

How did you digure out what you wanted to do in life?? Or your Major ? .
Hi Nobora,

I have read a lot of good posts but while you take their advice remember there are 50 year olds who jokingly (though there is a little bit of truth in every "im just kidding") say "I'm still trying to figure out what i want to do when I grow up."

There is a great saying .. "It took me 20 years to become an overnight success."

For me personally, I work in sales and 3d basically I golf and BS a lot.

Took a year off after highschool...went to college...took a year off...went back & graduated with a degree in communication..went for a degree in computer animation..came back and fooled around at a pizza joint....worked at a jewelry store...fell into a sales career where I can use my 3d skills which help make me very unique in this position.

Is this the typical path?'s more typical than you think..people bump and bounce around trying to figure out where they fit in but while doing so still follow your passions.

Don't let anyone tell you what "most" people do or how "most" people live or you'll end up like "most" people and we all know how most people feel about..most people. (being a little facetious here but I do have a deep conviction about comparing yourself to people...this will only negatively affect you.)

Well..hope this leads you down the path of destruction that I'm hoping so you can join us "adults" who 'claim' to know where we're going but still are trying to find our way.

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

A superior psychology, mastery of self, and a clean arse are the keys to happiness.
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