10-26-2010, 06:54 AM
In my opinion, efficiency is not about what method you use or how many people do it. It's all about result divided by time (result:time). If old method give you more better result, why should we change the method anyway, and hiring more people is not quite a problem as long as the company still make profit. It also reduces the unemployment rate too!
The way I mean "cutting edge with discipline" I means that they have relatively modern society compare to the other countrys, yet they still follow traditional norms, value and culture.
But you know sometimes even when you have new tech, you may want to revert back to old method sometime if you feel comfortable with it. It's not about something nostalgic but it's about what you familiar with.
My mom she's still can't send e-mail, but you know, she still happy with her paper work and handwriting. She always say that her old working system that use paper and handwriting is better than the computer, because it's difficult for her to use it.
One more thing, "I HATE CENTRAL HEATING!". When I travel to some country I stay in some hotel that has central heating, I feel so hot, yet I still unable to turn on the A/C, I got no other choice: I just open the window and turn the room's A/C off.