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10-26-2010, 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Could someone help me out?

I’d call on her in the morning, and she would look at the calendar.”

I think “I’d” is “I would”. Is that right?
And it means like “When I call on her (in the morning), she looks at the calendar”, right?
If so, why the writer didn’t write “she’d” instead of “she would”?
Is there a rule that you can’t use “ ‘d” two times in a sentence?
If I write “I’d call on her in the morning, and she’d look at the calendar”, is it odd?

Thank you.
Hi Yuri,

I'd say it is acceptable to use 'd multiple times in a sentence, although no way is wrong (either 'I'd', 'She'd' etc. or the full 'I would', She would'... Either is correct). Writing it in full seems for formal, whereas the abbreviated form is more the sort of style you'd use for people of the same standing.......although most young people use it now because it's quicker. lol

Hope this helps you, but if not, reply back & I'll try to explain better

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