10-28-2010, 04:34 PM
To be honest, I'm attracted by the ambiance of the setting... which is subsequently contributed by the culture and people thereof. I somewhat yearn to taste the aroma of authentic, hand-cooked ramen, sitting in some old restaurant humbly located in a shabby alleyway, sheltering a small group of friendly people, on a rainy day... [lol]. I had a brief chance to visit Japan before I could develop many delusions or misconceptions -- though I wouldn't be confident enough say I had none. There's definitely many aspects to any one country, and I certainly didn't get to explore all of them during my stay in Japan.
Some people seem to have a remarkably inaccurate view of the country, but with those people, generally, I would assume it wasn't an issue exclusive only to Japan; perhaps to various other facets of life, as well. To me, it is, to a degree, relative to a psychological matter -- not to imply one that is untypical, because I know I'm easily prone to it myself. A lack of maturity?