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(#7 (permalink))
cranks (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 263
Join Date: Jul 2010
10-29-2010, 02:08 AM

Originally Posted by dannavy85 View Post
How about this.....

Japan remembers the brutality it visited on the people of Asia and the stupid suicidal war it's militarist leaders embarked on when they bombed Pearl harbor?

Hiroshima is a memorial to what happens when a people allow their leaders to drag them drunk on nationalism to a war that ends up with a city reduced to a flaming cinder.
Wow. dude. So JAPAN attacked America so these CITIZENS, kids, women, unborn babies in their uterus, deserved to be burned in an atomic flame and their descendants should suffer from the aftereffect of the radiation for decades?

Wow. Just wow. Which hell are you from, mr. devil?

And the suicidal war? WHO was the one contemplated on how to "let them(Japanese) shoot the first shot" ?
Roosevelt!! it's in the Secretary of War, Henry Lewis Stimson's memorials! And who give the ultimatum, "Hull Note" to Japan, well knowing it meant a war? Do you know who shot the first shot at Pearl harbor? Have you ever heard of Flying Tigers? US is the country that dropped an A-bomb to an Asian country by the order of a KKK affiliated president, and there is not a tiny bit of exaggeration in this statement.

International politics is never a simple black and white. There are different views. I don't completely hold with Hiroshima Nagasaki sentiment either. But I think your view is a bit one sided dude.

Oh, wait, even 65 years later, America is doing the same thing to Iraq. Where was the weapon of mass destruction? Saddom was a bad guy (even though 'the weapon of mass destruction' was a downright lie) so these Iraqi citizens deserves killings and rapes eh?

Last edited by cranks : 10-29-2010 at 04:25 AM.
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