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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
10-29-2010, 03:13 AM

I'm with ya cranks and I'm in the U.S. Air Force! :/

I'm also facepalming @ dannavy85 because we (Americans) DO note and remember Pearl Harbor (and 9/11 and other attacks on US civilians) but we don't exactly honor the dates we attacked the citizens of foreign countries. We will 'never forget 9/11' but apparently it's totally cool to forget bombing the shit out of Iraqi civilians we did in March-May 2003. It may not be 'fair' but nations tend to remember and honor their own fallen; the U.S. clearly does this so to say 'we can do it but the Japanese can't!" is so very very asinine. Moreover, nothing justifies nuking a country -- NOTHING. Radiation is far too inhumane for a modern nation to consider in its repertoire for warfare. And your attitude of "well that's what happens" is scary, I'm talking 'lacking empathy and sanity' scary (Timothy McVeigh scary!). Super overkill.

Thus I shall facepalm in the corner and hope that I'm not doomed to a fate of being a douche-y veteran when I get older...
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