Conceptual Doubt
Posts: 507
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: ポルトガル
10-29-2010, 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Sangetsu
No one wants to be a garbage collector or slaughter house worker, the people who do such jobs do so because they have few/no other options. Sure these jobs are important, but do you or any of your friends wish to do either of these jobs? Probably not.
Gangsters become gangsters because they too have few options in life, due to upbringing or lack of education. Since they don't have the education or training to be productive members of society, they make their living doing scams, running drugs and prostitutes, or loan-sharking. The only people who respect gangsters are other gangsters, because they are too narrow to appreciate anything outside their own very limited world.
Yes, because you can definitely vouch for 6 billion people? Not everyone wants the stereotypical "good and prestigable" job.
If you say that it is unlike for someone to pick such jobs because they love it, I will probably agree with you. But until then I'm red and you're blue.
Edit: Just read Salvanas post. < That.
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.