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HikoSeijuro (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Thumbs down 10-29-2010, 04:50 AM

You're either growing or your dieing.

You make a mistake just learn from it and move on.
The only mistake in life is not learning from your mistakes!

I always like this upbeat message:

"In a hundred years we're all going to be dead and nobody will ever know we existed and even if they did..they won't care because they are too busy living their own don't worry so much!"

Don't beat yourselves up too much..those are called ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) so as soon as you start realizing you have an ANT infestation ..develop an ant eater to eat those negative thoughts.
Here is a link about "ANTs" and yes .. this is a REAL term!
Cognitive Distortions - What Are Cognitive Distortions?

My ant eaters are ladies, pubs, massuses, dance clubs, fine establishments that serve drinks, craigslist..massage like a charm.

Life is a marathon; not a 40 yard dash.

A superior psychology, mastery of self, and a clean arse are the keys to happiness.
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