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(#38 (permalink))
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evanny (Offline)
devil's advocate
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10-29-2010, 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
You claim it's dumb. You claim people who join this sort of organization won't become anything in life, because you claim they don't have the brains for it.

You judge way too much, instead of understanding that some people in life just have it easier than us.

There are people in this world, right now, who are gaining so much money through immoral acts. Much more than I, or you, would earn in 20 years. They earn it all in a day.

As for people thinking they can become successful, some people dream of it. It doesn't stop the lure of being a gangster from being there to people who dream of being rich easily, or following a dangerous lifestyle.
only thing i claim is that it is dumb idea in itself that a drop-out is going to join gangsters and become as you said "rich and powerful"
those people who in illegal ways do become powerful arent drop-outs. those guys are smart..not average Joe smart. they have the brains to be also a lawyer or businessman or any other respectable figure.

in no way im judging. i simply go and laugh my a*s of when someone on the internet asks will jakuza accept me so i can become rich and powerful.

P.S and wont achieve anything? nea...simply won't become crime overlord if grey matter isnt working to its potential

P.P.S o..and that small text thing you have going is not as cool as you that blue text least his posts you can read normally..
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