Originally Posted by cranks
And I have a mixed feeling about this. I'm a newbee, and don't know how he was before I came here, but he acted kind of too aggressive a couple of times I saw him. But at the same time, I know giving out advice is not easy even if you do understand the language completely. Well, I don't know what I want to say  I just thought he deserved some attention.
He didn't use to be so explosive or sarcastic; i guess things just started getting to him more and more. As I said before, probably a good thing for him to take a step back, although I hope he doesn't feel like he never wants to check in ever again. IDK, i was never active in a thread where he kicked off, so I never said anything outright, but yeah...I agree he crossed the rude line a couple of times, rather without necessity.
Also Nagoyayankee =/= Sashimister; they were two different users, albeit similar stories. SM actually kind of stepped up fill the void that Nagoyayankee left in the language forum, not that he wasn't already contributing. Anyway, love him or hate him, SM was a total boon to JF; he gave the best and most accurate language advice and he was always around to answer questions. We've lost something pretty valuable.