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JamboP26 (Offline)
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10-29-2010, 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
I actually fully agree with you on this. It is better generally to visit a country before moving, but for some people it's just not practical or possible. I disagree with some of the other members so far who have said that one really must visit before living, because although it is admitedly a better option it isn't always for the best.

In regards to Japan in specific it's a very expensive country to visit! I know that most people I know would be using up all their savings to go for simply a holiday, and if they loved it and adored it then going back to live would then take at least an extra year or two to save back up again, and in the meantime they would then have to get a job, find a place to live in their own country, and the commitments and responsibilities as you try and save to go back just pile up, making it harder to leave as you've - by then - settled down where you are :P It's a lot easier to go straight from univerisity to Japan to live, and no it might not be the best option, but the visas don't last forever and neither do job contracts, if - at the end of a year - you did hate it then you could always go back home. Just because you move somewhere doesn't mean you have to live there forever.
Thanks for agreeing, RobinMask. I do see the point in visiting first, but as I said, and you put into beter words, sometimes it's just now possible. I'm planning to go after I've finished university. While at university, I'm hoping to rent out student accomodation. When I'm not living there, I'll be at home with my mum, where I am now. It would make more sense to jump straight in with both feet, as it's sort of a new start. A clean slate, so to speak. I have chosen to study IT, which is an area of employment expecting a boom in jobs in the next 3-7 years, so employment shouldn't be too much of an issue, as long as I pass the N2 Proficiency Test. lol. Most people, however, don't have a certain area of expertise, if you will. So what employment are they going to get? It is a difficult topic, in which areas you'll agree, yet others you'll disagree. If well planned out, living in Japan can work. If not, I reckon a lot of people are in for a tough time. I'm hoping, fingers and toes crossed, that it works out for me. It will mean my daydreaming of certain things, will not be wasted.

(PS. Don't know where I was going with that. Just my own feelings to the subject )

EDIT: It was raining and windy this morning in Scotland. I said "Even the country's weather is s****". I think it's starting to get to me. lol

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Last edited by JamboP26 : 10-29-2010 at 02:29 PM.
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