10-29-2010, 03:12 PM
I would just like to point out that I do not find travelling in Japan to be all that expensive at all. You think Japan is expensive? Then I wouldn't advise going to Australia anytime soon. I reckon Japan is cheap as chips compared to there. You can travel throughout Japan very cheaply if you want to and know how.
I'd also suggest that people should look at travelling to many places before deciding on a place to live, assuming that is you want to leave your own country. I travelled close to 15 other countries before finding my home here in Japan. One of the greatest benefits of my move to Japan was that everything is so cheap here. The big purchases in life like house and cars are just so much cheaper than in Australia. Sure I don't live in Tokyo (thank god!) which is more expensive than where I am but even Tokyo now isn't that expensive when compared to other major cities in the world. Remember Japan's economy has been deflating for most of the last 15 years. It may well have been expensive once, I don't consider it still is.