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PockyMePink (Offline)
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10-29-2010, 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by nobora View Post
Yes i do need to find something that i can live off of but i also should follow my dreams.
This is what you guys are sayin right?
You should follow your dreams, but you should also be realistic.

You wanted to draw manga, yes? Think about how you could get a job drawing manga.

Is it possible to get a job like that, and if possible, are you actually able to do it (ex. it's possible to be a famous movie star, but the chances of it happening are one in a million)?

Do you just like doing it for fun, or do you actually have the ability to do it on a schedule, working with other people, and making money for it? Just because you like doing something doesn't mean you can automatically switch that hobby/interest into a job or career. Some things are best left as an interest.

Also, you're in high school, it's normal to not have a specific idea for your future career. Don't rush it and end up married to a career that you really didn't think through, let it come naturally.
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