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Nyororin (Offline)
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10-29-2010, 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
You would be better off getting an education at a school where you might actually learn something..
A bit harsh, don`t you think?
You make it sound like any education outside of the top 25 universities is worthless. Maybe I should just hand my degree back in being as it came from a university not on the list.

As the goal of Japanese university tends to differ from western counterparts, it`s pretty much a moot point to judge it on the same scale. Western universities seem to aim for a completed whole - ie. the graduate is ready to jump into a position with the methods and thinking taught at the university - while Japanese universities tend to aim for a ease of training to the methods of a specific company. The first year or so in a new company is mostly learning their methods.

The Japanese university counts on another year or more of in-company education after graduation. A big reason fresh grads don`t receive and don`t expect big paychecks - they`re basically still in school. (Some companies will even start their training months before graduation.)

You must also consider that in Japan you can't simply sign up to study any subject you want, the government regulates the number of students in each field according to employer demand.
In national universities. The country is filled with private universities where you can study anything you want. "Public" national universities are the rarities.

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