Originally Posted by HA0Neul
Hey ^^
Soo my english is gonna suck XD just hope you'll understand =D
I also take japanese lessons . I can go there 2 times a month . All the new stuff we learn is easy and i didnt bother to study them . Soo one day we did somekind of test which had EVERYTHING we have learned and i was like holy poop . Like one exercise had 12 questions and I only was able to answer like 6 of them XD . Now I understand that I was one lazy butt .____. . Actually I still am XD that's the depressing part XD... Btw can you give me some advice .. ^^ ..
Please and thank you .
waa i envy u so much! i wish i could have japanese lessons... i live in an extremely small town (population about 7000 ;/) and its 2 h away from the nearest big city. now i'm learnin japanese by myself, i started not long time ago. i know hiragana, katakana, and some japanese words commonly used.